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Wayang Kulit is the traditional art of Indonesia which is mainly grown in Jawa.Wayang derived from the word 'Ma Hyang' a spiritual meaning to the spirit, god, or God Almighty. There is also a mean wayang is a Javanese term meaning 'shadow', this is because the audience can also watch the puppets from behind the screen or just imagined it. Wayang kulit played by a puppeteer who is also the narrator's dialogue Wayang figures, accompanied by gamelan music played by a group of nayaga and songs sung by the singer. Wayang plays the mastermind behind the screen, the screen is made of white cloth, while the lights flashed behind electric or oil lamps, so that the spectators who were on the other side of the screen can see the shadow that fell into the Wayang screen. In order to understand the story of the puppet, the audience must have knowledge of Wayang figures whose image appears on the screen.
In general,
Wayang took the story from the Mahabharata and Ramayana manuscript, but not be limited only by the (standard), the mastermind ki can also play the play (composition). Some of the stories taken from the Bannerman story.
Wayang Kulit performances have been recognized by UNESCO on November 7, 2003, as a work of astonishing cultural narratives and stories in the beautiful and precious heritage (Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity). Puppet show is more popular in central and eastern Java
Wayang Kulit is made of buffalo leather that is processed into sheets of skin, puppets apiece need about the size of 50 x 30 cm piece of skin which is then carved with metal tools used are made of steel pliers is good quality. Steel is made in advance in a variety of shapes and sizes, there is a sharp, flat, small, large, and other forms that each have different functions.
But basically, to arrange or make various forms of carving a hole that had been made to the hole. Then performed the installation of body parts like hands, there are two connections on the hand, upper arm and elbow, how to connect it with a small screw made of buffalo horn or cow. Function for moving the shaft is colored black sleeves are also made from buffalo horn material and generally golden color with gold leaf paper that is taped or it could be bront, painted with the melted powder. 
Wayang is using prada, the results are much better, the color can last longer than a bront

Judging from the shape Wayang Kulit downs can be classified into several groups, among others: Wayang  golden deer; sized puppets are not too big nor too small, according to the need for a performer (wayang puppetry). Puppet Ageng; the puppet W is large, especially members of the body in the stomach and legs than usual puppets, puppets called wayang jujudan. Wayang capers; the puppets that are smaller than the ordinary puppet. Puppet Kateb, ie the size puppets terlalku long legs are not balanced by the body.

In the development of these forms have evolved
Wayang Kulit wake even the shift from the tradition into new creations. Surakarta Palace in the days still prevail in the puppet made ​​a very large size which later was named Kyai overdo, it may inspire puppeteers to make Wayang Surakarta in particular with larger sizes. For example, Alm Ki Mulyanto mangkudarsono of Sragen Java is making giant with a size of 2 meters, with a sheet material of the buffalo skin and still be connected again. This work is then imitated by others, including Ki Young Masterminds Entus of Tegal, Ki Purbo Asmoro Surakarta, Ki Sudirman Sragen role in many more.

Ki Entus Susumono of Tegal even have a lot to make this
Wayang Kulit creations, ranging from Wayang planet, puppet cartoon characters like superman, batman, black steel Satriya, robots, dinosaurs, and Rai-Wong Wayang (poker people), the character George Walker Bush, Saddam Hussain, to the figures of government officials. Ki Entus also combine with Wayang gagrak Cirebonan and agagrak Surakarta (form the top and bottom of the puppet cirebon Surakarta).And now the addition of W in the wayang figures are also increasingly prevalent skin, for example with dolls Wayang ditambahkanya variety of police figures, helicopters, motor ambulances, army ranks, players Drum band, to figure Mbah Marijan.

Sources of  id.wikipedia.org

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